Dr. Saghafian |
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NAME: Hassan SURNAME: Saghafian Larijani Year of Birth: 1959 ACCADEMIC STATUS: Assistant Professor ,School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology( IUST) Fields of Research Interests: Design and Selection of Engineering Materials, Casting, Physical Metallurgy, Metal Matrix Composite, Tribology (Friction,Wear,Erosion) of metallic Materials, Metallurgical Processing | /saghafiyan.jpg)
| Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2864 Fax: +9821-77240344 E-mail: saghafian@iust.ac.ir | |
Educational Records Degree | Major | Year of Graduation | University | Location | B.Sc. | Casting Engineering | 1985 | Iran University of Science & Technology | Iran | M.Sc. | Materials Engineering | 1990 | Iran University of Science & Technology | Iran | Ph.D | Materials Engineering | 2002 | Sheffield University | England |
Teaching Experiences: Physical Metallurgy Heat Treatment Mechanical Metallurgy Metal Matrix Composite Selection of Metallic Materials Publications M.H. Shaeri, H. Saghafian, S.G. Shabestari, "Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr–Mo steels (FMU-226) used in mills liner", Materials & Design, Volume 34, February 2012, Pages 192-200. | A. Nasery Isfahany, H. Saghafian, G. Borhani, "The effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of AISI420 martensitic stainless steel ", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 9, 3 March 2011, Pages 3931-3936 | V. Aboueia, S.G. Shabestari, H. Saghafianan, "Dry sliding wear behaviour of hypereutectic Al–Si piston alloys containing iron-rich intermetallics", Materials Characterization, Volume 61, Issue 11, November 2010, Pages 1089-1096 | M. H. Shaeri, H. Saghafian and S. G. Shabestari "Effects of Austempering and Martempering Processes on the Amount of Retained Austenite in Cr-Mo Steels (FMU-226) Used in Mills Liner", International Journal of Iron and Steel Research,17 (2010) 53. | H.R. Abedi, A. Fareghi, H. Saghafian and SH. Kheirandish "Sliding wear behavior of a ferritic–pearlitic ductile cast iron with different nodule count", Wear, 268 (2010) 622-628. | A. Nouri, H. Saghafian and Sh. Kherandish "The effects of silicon content and intercritical annealing on the manganese partitioning in the dual-phase steels" , Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 17(5), 2010, pp. 46-51. | Ashkan Nouri, H.Saghafian and Sh. Kheirandish "Influence of volume fraction of martensite on the work hardening behaviour of two dual-phase steels with high and low silicon", International Journal of Material Research, 101 (2010), 1286-1292. | V. Aboueia, H. Saghafian, S. G. Shabestaria, and M. Zarghami "Effect of Fe-Rich Intermetallics on the Wear Behavior of Eutectic Al-Si Piston Alloy (LM13)", Materials and Design, 31 (2010) 3518-3524. | H. Mohammadzadeh, H. Saghafian and Sh. Kheirandish "Sliding wear behavior of a grey cast iron surface remelted by TIG", Journal of Materials Science & Technology , 25(5) (2009) 622-628 | H. Mohammadzadeh, Sh. Kheirandish and H.Saghafian "Effect of graphite flakes on the microstructure of melted, transition and heat affected zones in grey cast iron remelted by TIG", Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, 6(2)2009, 37-45 | A. Nouri, Sh. Kheirandish and H. Saghafian "Effect of Silicon Content on the Strain Hardening of Dual-Phase Steels", Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, 5(4)(2009)40-49 | F. Taghavi, H. Saghafian, Y. Kharrazi, " Study on the effect of prolonged mechanical vibration on the grain refinement and density of A356 aluminium alloy", Journal of Materials and Design 30, 2009, pp. 1604-1611 | F. Taghavi, H. Saghafian, Y. Kharrazi, "Study on the ability of mechanical vibration for the production of thixotropic microstructure in A356 aluminium alloy", Journal of Materials and Design 30, 2009, pp. 115-121 | A. Mostaed, E. Mostaed, A. Shokuhfar, H. Saghafian, H.R. Rezaie, "The influence of milling time and impact force on the mutual diffusion of Al and Cu during synthesis of Al-4.5wt%Cu alloy via mechanical alloying", Journal of Defect and Diffusion Forum 283-286, 2009, pp. 494-498 | A. Mostaed, E. Mostaed, A. Shokuhfar, H. Saghafian, H.R. Rezaie, "Effect of SiC particles volume fraction on the mutual diffusion of Al and Cu during fabrication of Al-4.5wt% Cu/SiC via mechanical alloying", Journal of Defect and Diffusion Forum 283-286, 2009, pp. 499-503 | V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, Kh. Ranjbar, "An investigation of the wear behaviour of 0.2% C dual phase steels", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 203(1-3), 2008, pp. 107-112. | V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, Kh. Ranjbar, "A Study on the wear behaviour of dual phase steels", Journal of Material Science & Technology, Vol. 1, 2007, pp. 107-110. | V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish , "Effect of microstructure on the oxidative wear behaviour of plain carbon steel ", Wear 262, 2007, pp. 1225-1231. | H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, "Correlating microstructural features with wear resistance of dual phase steel", Materials Letters 61, 2007, pp. 3059-3063 | V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirand , Kh. Ranjbar, "Mild oxidative wear behaviour of plain carbon dual-phase steel ", Journal of Steel Research Internatinal 78, Vol. 6, 2007, pp. 506-511 | V. Abouei, H. Saghafian, Sh. Kheirandish, "Dry sliding oxidative wear in plain carbon dual phase steel", Journal of Iron & Steel Research International 14, Vol. 4, 2007, pp. 43-48 | H. Saghafian and W. M. Rainforth "Plastic Deformation Behaviour at the Worn Surface of a Novel Cast Al-Alloy-TiCP Composite", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 2004, IUST. |
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