Dr.Bafghi |
Personal Details NAME: Mohammad SURNAME: Sheikhshab Bafghi Year of Birth: 1955 ACCADEMIC STATUS: Professor, School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Since March 1994 Fields of Research Interests: Metals extraction and refining Processes, Materials reclamation, New methods of materials synthesis, Chemical Metallurgy | /bafghi.jpg)
| Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2829 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: msbafghi@iust.ac.ir | Educational Records Degree | Major | Year of Graduation | University | Location | B.Sc. | Metallurgical Engineering | 1982 | Iran University of Science and Technology | Iran | M.Sc. | Metallurgical Engineering | 1988 | Tarbiat Modarres | Iran | Ph.D | Metallurgical Engineering | 1993 | Nagoya | Japan |
Teaching Experiences: Principles of Extractive Metallurgy 1 (Ferrous Metals)Principles of Extractive Metallurgy 2 (Non-Ferrous Metals)Kinetics of Metallurgical ReactionsAdvanced KineticsAdvanced HydrometallurgyElectrometallurgyPublications | M. Sh. Bafghi a, M. Sakaki b, J. Vahdati Khaki c, Q. Zhang d, F. Saito, "Evaluation of process behavior and crystallite specifications of mechano-chemically synthesized WC–Al2O3 nano-composites", Materials Research Bulletin, 49, 2014, 160-166 | M. Jalaly, M. Tamizifar, M. Sh. Bafghi, F. J. Gotor, "Mechanochemical synthesis of ZrB2-SiC-ZrC nanocomposite powder by metallothermic reduction of zircon", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 581, 2013, 782-787 | M. Jalaly, M. Sh. Bafghi, M. Tamizifar, F. J. Gotor, "Formation mechanism of ZrB2-Al2O3 nanocomposite powder by mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction", J. Mater Sci, 2013, 48: 7557-7567 | M. S. Bafghi, A. Zakeri A. H., Emami, "Effect of specific surface Area of a Mechanically Activated Chalcopyrite on its rate of leaching in sulfuric Acid-Ferric Sulfate Media", Metallurgical and Materials Transctions B, June 2013 | M. Jalali, M. Sh. Bafghi, M. Tamizifar, F.J Gotor, "Mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline ZrB2-Based powders by mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction method", Advances in Applied Ceramics : Structural, Functional and Bioceramics, vol. 112, no. 7, pp. 383-388, 2013 | M. Sakaki, M. Sh. Bafghi, J. Vahdati Khaki, Q. Zhang, F. Saito, "Conversion of W2C to WC phase during mechano-chemical synthesis of nano-size WC-Al2O3 powder using WO3-2Al-(1+x)C mixtures", International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 36, 2013, 116-121 | M. Aghazadeh, A. Zakeri, M. Sh. Bafghi, "Modeling and optimization of surface quality of Copper deposits recovered from brass scrap by direct electrowinning", Hydrometallurgy, pp. 103-108, 2012 | M. Sh. Bafghi, A. Yarahmadi, A. Ahmadi, H. Mehrjoo, "Effect of the type of Carbon material on the reduction kinetics of Barium Sulfate", Iranian Journal of materials science & engineering, vol. 8, No. 3, 2011 | M. S. Bafghi, A. H. Emami, A. Zakeri, J. Vahdati Khaki, "Effect of mechanical activation on the kinetics of leaching of chalcopyrite in the ferric sulfate media", Iranian Journal of materials science & engineering, vol. 7, No. 2, Spring 2010. | M.S. Bafghi, A.H. Emami, A. Zakeri, J. Vahdati Khaki, " Development and verification of a mathematical model for variations of the specific surface area of mineral powders during intensive milling", Powder Technology 197, 2010, pp. 87-90 | M. Sakaki, M.S. Bafghi, J. Vahdati Khaki, Q. Zhang, and F. Saito, " Control of carbon loss during synthesis of WC powder through ball milling of WO3-C-2Al mixture ", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 486, 2009, pp. 486-491 | M.S. Bafghi, A.R. Asghari, A. Zakeri, S. H. Seyedein, " Removal of silicon impurity from molten brass using an innovative ZnO-containing slag", Materials and Minerals Transactions B, 40, 2009, pp. 749-754. doi:10.1007/s11663-009-9280-9 | M. Sakaki, M.S. Bafghi, J. Vahdati Khaki, Q. Zhang, J. Kano, F. Saito, "Effect of Aluminum content on the behavior of mechanochemical reactions in the WO3-C-Al system", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480, 2009, pp. 824-829 | M.S. Bafghi, A.H. Emami, J. Vahdati Khaki, A. Zakeri. " Development of a mathematical expression for the variation of amorphization phenomenon during intensive milling of minerals", International J. of Mineral Processing , 2009, pp. 149-154 doi:10.1016/j.minpro.2009.07.008 | A.H. Emami, M.S. Bafghi, J. Vahdati Khaki, A. Zakeri, " The effect of grinding time on the specific surface area during intensive grinding of mineral powders", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering , Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring 2009, pp. 30-36 Abstract | M.S. Bafghi, A. Zakeri, Z. Ghasemi, M. Adeli, " Reductive dissolution of manganese ore in sulfuric acid in the presence of iron metal ", Hydrometallurgy 90, 2008, PP. 207-212 doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2007.07.003 | M. sadegh Safarzadeh, M.S. Bafghi, D. Moradkani, M. Ojaghi Ilkhchi, "A review on hydrometallurgical extraction and recovery of cadmium from various resources ", Minerals Engineering 20, 2007, pp. 211-220 | A. Beitollahi, M.S. Bafghi, S. M. Jazayeri Dezfouli, H. Ghanbari, " Synthesis and characterization of nm-sized PbTiO3 crystallites", Mater Electron, 2006, pp. 361-365 | N. Shaigan, S.N. Ashrafizadeh, M. S. Bafghi, S. Rastegari, " Elimination of the corrosion of Ni-P substrates during electrolysis of gold plating" , Journal of the Electronical Society, 2005 | A. Zakeri, M. Sh. Bafghi, Sh. Shahriari, " Dissolution kinetics of manganese dioxide ore in sulfuric acid in the presence of ferrousion", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering , Vol. 4, No. 3 and 4, Summer and Autumn, 2004, pp. 22-27 | M.S. Bafghi, M. Adeli, H. Mohammadi Nikoo, "Kinetics of carbothermic reductions of an Iranian Celestine ore ", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 2004, pp. 28-33 | J. Vahdati. Khaki, M. Panjehpour, Y. Kashiwaya, K. Ishii, M.S. Bafghi. " A Study of the effect of Aluminium on the mechanochemical Reduction of Hematite by Graphite", 2004, Steel Research Int. 75, No. 3, pp. 169-177 | M.S. Bafghi, S. N. Ashrafizadeh, A. Hassani, " Pressure leaching of an Iranian Zinc sulfide concentrate ", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 13, No. 2 2001-2002, pp. 37-49 |
M. R. Sistanehei, M. Sh. Bafghi, A. Zakeri, "Arsenic separation from arsenic-copper solution via electrowining", 7th International Chemical Congress & Exihibition, Iran, 2011 | M. Mizani, A. Zakeri, M.S. Bafghi, "Acid Leaching of Chalcopyrite Concentrate in the Presence of Manganese Dioxide by Oxidative-Reductive Route", Bio and Hydrometallurgy ‘09, 2009, Iran | S. Moradi, M.S. Bafghi. J.V. Khaki, "Effect of leaching factors and mechanical activation on chalcopyrite leaching in acidic ferric Sulfate", The 11th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 2008, pp. 499-505 | R. Sani, A. Beitollahi, Yu.V. Maksimov, I.P. Suzdalev, M.S. Bafghi, “Synthesis and characterization of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by high energy milling”, 1st Iran-Russia, 2005 | S.N. Ashrafizadeh, M.S. Bafghi, R. Shahbazi , M.R. Hossein, "Recovery of Cobalt and Tungsten from scrap carbide", 5th Int. Conf. on Hydrometallurgy , 2003, pp. 1605-1615 |
